Integrated Management
Systems Policy

Aygaz is committed to implementing sustainability principles in all its fields of operation, including LPG as its core business in line with Koç Group Goals and Principles. Accordingly, Aygaz adopts the Integrated Management Systems Policy, which includes the following commitments:

  • Being a pioneering and innovative company,
  • Seizing strategic growth opportunities,
  • Ensuring customer awareness and sustainable customer satisfaction and loyalty as a priority, and offering applicable solutions for customer complaints with a Customer Complaint Management Pledge,
  • Ensuring effective and efficient management of its business processes and steadily building upon such processes,
  • Engaging in activities to support innovation, digitalization, and climate change strategies,
  • Maintaining high employee loyalty and satisfaction with regular measurements,
  • Complying with high quality and safety standards as a priority, offering best products and services,
  • Working in compliance with applicable legislation and standards,
  • Ensuring and improving the satisfaction of all relevant parties in accordance with corporate governance principles by seeking the opinions of stakeholders, including customers, employees, and suppliers,
  • Respecting the community and environment in its operations, creating a healthy and safe working environment with a zero-accident approach, developing preventive approaches against potential occupational diseases and injuries,
  • Mitigating potential environmental impact of its products and operations by conducting lifecycle assessments,
  • Steadily improving energy efficiency and performance across all the offices, buildings and production sites, and operations,
  • Preventing pollution, and reducing and ensuring proper disposal of waste with a focus on recycling where possible,
  • Considering potential environmental impact and occupational health and safety risks in investment decisions,
  • Complying with ethical values, and
  • Informing the community about its activities.

All employees of Aygaz A.Ş. are responsible for implementing, developing, and providing the necessary resources for the principles of the Integrated Management Systems Policy.

Melih Poyraz
General Manager
On behalf of Aygaz A.Ş. Board of Directors

Aygaz Information Security Policy