
Internship Opportunities at Aygaz

Aygaz provides internship opportunities to high school and college students to prepare them for business life and to meet their potential colleagues.

High School Internships: High school internship applications are made through school administrations and are open in May-June-July, while the internship program itself starts in September and runs through June of the school year.

University Internships: University internship applications are made via our corporate website and are open in February, March and April. The internship programs run for 4 to 6 weeks from June through September based on demands. Applications are evaluated in accordance with the prequalification criteria and concluded with an interview, if deemed necessary. Third-year students are given priority in summer internships.

Prequalification Criteria
  • The student must be insured by their school against occupational accidents and diseases in accordance with paragraph (b) of article 5 of Law 5510
  • Relevance of the student’s current department to our company’s business processes
  • Student’s level of success
  • Department intern quotas